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Frequently Asked Questions

Obstacle Course races, mud runs and colour run event FAQ's

Who can take part?

We can put on charity obstacle races, mud runs and colour runs for anyone 8 yrs and over (8yrs to 11yrs need to be accompanied by an adult over 16yrs of age) and no maximum ages. We have even had someone in their 80’s participate! The events are open to all levels of fitness and you can run or walk around each obstacle course that we organise. Needless to say, the events will feel much easier if you have done some training before hand and you should always get checked out by your GP to make sure that you are ‘fit enough’.

What type of obstacles do we have?
We have lots of different obstacles including climbing walls, slides, monkey bars, tunnels to crawl through, rope climbs and crawl nets. We have so so many to keep you entertained and tired.
Is there timing?
We are able to provide timing for our events if required
Where is it held?
Our main flagship event the Suffolk Whole Hog takes place at Wantisden Hall in Suffolk, which is easily accessible from both North and West via the A14 and A12. However we can put on events anywhere in the UK which we have done for many charities and corporations.
What facilities will there be?
We have food and drinks on site along with toilets and changing facilities. Showers will not be available so come prepared. Be prepared to get dirty … these aren’t road races so bring a change of clothing with you!
Is there parking available?
Yes, parking is always arranged near to the event village area where the start and finish takes place.
Can spectators come?
Yes and we encourage spectators to take pictures of the participants crawling, climbing or sliding around the course. Viewing areas for spectators are generally at the start, middle of the course (within close proximity of the start) and finish line.
What should I wear?
The majority will be off road and we therefore recommend off road clothing and footwear. There will be also be lots of additional challenges. You will be best off in trainers for these (PLEASE DON’T WEAR SPIKES DUE TO SOME OF THE OBSTACLES). We suggest long sleeved tops and leggings to cover those knees. Gloves will also be a good idea.
Any other information I should know?
Make sure that you arrive with plenty of time to get organised, register and get to the starting area. The race briefing will be at the registration area which will be confirmed once you have booked. Toilets will also be available. There will be refreshments available at the start and finish. Don’t forget to bring a towel and a set of dry clothes (showers won’t be available).
Any further questions?

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us – there are no silly questions!

We’ve run many such events and fully understand if you’ve not entered or watched a similar event before you want to know what it’s like. We also suggest watching a video of the Whole hog race ( in action in 2021 or looking at our photo galleries, to get a feel for the wide range of entrants and obstacles.

Charity abseils FAQ's

Can people with disabilities take part in abseiling events?

Abseil Events UK (AEUK)/Eight Point Two (8.2) is very keen to provide the opportunity for anyone with a disability with the opportunity to take part in its events. Charities should speak with 8.2 about specific disabilities and discuss the opportunity for a person’s involvement.

Please note that the provision of abseiling for people with disabilities can be a very specialist area, requiring additional technical equipment and knowledge as well as taking a great deal more time and instructors.

In addition, many of the unique venues that we use also aren’t suitable to deliver this specialist area.

AEUK/8.2 generally provide events for people without disabilities. It may be necessary for the charity to book two or more time slots to facilitate a person’s involvement with a specific disability

What is the minimum age for participants on abseils?
At AEUK/8.2 we recommend 16 as the minimum age for doing these events. This is in part due to the difficulty they face when fundraising and the increased time sometimes needed for children. However, we will consider younger children if charities prefer and they understand the possible limitations. Any abseilers under the age of 18 will need to have a parent or guardian present at the event that is also participating.
What is the maximum age for abseiling participants?

Abseiling activities are mentally & physically challenging, but we will not stop any older person from having a go if they believe themselves to be fit enough. If there is any doubt, advise that the participant should ask their doctor.

What is the maximum weight for abseiling participants?

17 stone (108kg) for abseils. Larger people need to be fitted with a chest harness in addition to the waist harness. At some sites, participants may need to climb over a fence or rail to get to the abseil; therefore they must have ease of movement in order to do this.

What is the minimum weight for abseiling participants?

6 stone (38kg) for abseils. AEUK/8.2 reserve the right to prevent someone from doing an event if they are too small, and the weather is inclement, i.e. windy. Small people can get blown around more. This is not a frequent occurrence.

Is the equipment safe?

All of our equipment, especially ropes, are stored, maintained and replaced, as for the standard practice recommend by the manufacturers. All equipment is checked frequently and retired if there is any damage to any part. The equipment we use has an unspecified working life, and in his role as a technical advisor, Ian Loombe is qualified to make any inspections needed

Does 8.2 use qualified instructors?

8.2 only employ qualified staff when used in instructor roles, and we are governed by the MLTE (Mountain Leader Training Board- England) and the BMC (British Mountaineering Council). Ian Loombe is a member of AMI (Association of Mountaineering Instructors). Please look at and for more information. All of our instructors are First Aid qualified; they must be, in order to maintain their instructor qualifications.

What happens if someone gets stuck or falls?

If someone gets stuck half way down, the abseil rope will be loosened; they will be released, and then lowered on the safety rope. The abseil ropes are always fastened in a way that makes them very quick to release. No one will fall from the top, as they will be ‘tied-on’ as soon as they reach the abseil station. Instructors will remain tied-on at all times

Is AEUK/8.2 insured?


Any event run by us has Civil Liability cover of up to £5 million. Once the participants are handed over to 8.2 instructors, they are covered by our insurance.

Charity walking events FAQ's

What kit is essential for me to bring?

PLEASE NOTE: We will NOT let you take part if you are missing essential kit when you arrive on the day.

  • Footwear – a fairly flexible pair of walking boots with good lateral stiffness and well kept strong soles, adequate for hill walking. They should have a high ankle support and should not be smooth-soled. Trainers are not acceptable. To avoid blisters it’s best to wear a good quality pair of walking socks and make sure your boots are broken in. If you don’t have a pair of walking socks, then wearing two pairs of socks (one thick, one thin) will be better than one pair of non-walking socks. If you are prone to blisters please pre-plaster the points which suffer most.
  • Clothing – Layer up! We advise a base layer (dryflo wicking top), a mid-layer (microfleece), and a good quality outer layer (fleece). Stretchy tracksuit trousers are perfectly adequate, as are shorts and walking trousers (not jeans!). If you are prone to feeling the cold thermal leggings may also be useful. Please also bring additional layers of clothing suitable for both warm and cold weather conditions.
  • Waterproofs – Fully waterproof jacket and over-trousers. Good quality (e.g. gore-tex) is essential.
  • Rucksack – 25-30 litre capacity (large enough to carry spare clothing, food, water bottle, camera).
  • Warm weather kit – sunglasses, sun cream and sun hat.
  • Cold weather kit – woolly hat, gloves and scarf.
  • Food and drink – Water (2 litres), flask and packed lunch – it is important that you carry water to ensure you don’t become dehydrated. Also carry enough food/snacks to keep you going for the duration of the walk.
  • Mobile phone – everyone must take a charged mobile phone with them on the walk, in a waterproof bag. If you do not have a mobile phone, make sure you walk and stay with a fellow walker who has a phone. These numbers must be provided to the Events Team before departure.
What other kit would you suggest I bring?
  • Walking or ski poles – these are recommended for support, especially in descent, for tired legs and for boosting you uphill.
  • High calorie snacks – chocolate and nuts are good sources of energy.
  • Equipment – compass/torch and spare batteries.
  • Survival bag and whistle – person-sized plastic survival bag available in outdoor shops.
  • Personal first aid kit – including rehydration tablets, plasters, blister plasters, sterile gauze dressings, crepe rolled bandages, safety pins, tweezers, scissors, alcohol-free cleansing wipes, painkillers such as paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen (as appropriate to yourself), sticky tape, cream to relieve insect bites and stings
  • Map – Ordnance Survey map of the area.
What time do I register on the day?
Depends on the event but it’s often quite early. Once registered a kit inspection will be carried out to ensure you have adequate clothing for the weather and terrain.
Will I still be able to take part if I am late arriving at registration?
No. Because of the length and severity of this walk, and in order to manage it efficiently and safely, the registration window is very strict.
How long does it take to complete the walk?
This varies enormously depending on the weather and your fitness level. As a guide, walking at quite a standard pace with photo breaks and a stop for a cup of tea at the summit, the trek will take about 7 to 12 hours.

Please remember that we do not operate our event as a time trial or race. We ask that participants treat this walk accordingly and do not push themselves past their capabilities in order to achieve a ‘good’ time. Completing this walk at all is an achievement in itself!

Will I need to walk in a group?
Yes, you will begin the walk in groups. However, once on the mountain, and if the weather allows it, we find it much more enjoyable for people to be able to walk at their own pace, in the group size they wish. You will be able to walk with qualified mountain instructors who will be on the mountain with you.
Do I really need to train for this event?

These are physically demanding event, climbing mountains is no easy task so any training you have done before the event will certainly help. This requires a certain level of fitness and stamina best acquired through training.

Do I need to bring water / food with me or is it provided?
You must carry as much water / foods as possible to ensure you have an adequate amount for the duration of the walk. Please note; there will not be an opportunity to acquire additional water etc. along the walk.
Do I need to bring all the different clothing that you recommend on the list?
The weather is notoriously changeable and can be severe in this area regardless of season therefore we strongly recommend that you come prepared for all eventualities.
Do I have to adhere to the essential items kit list?
Yes. The essential items on the kit list are there for your safety. 8.2, will not let you take part if you are missing essential equipment.
What happens if I am injured or ill and need to retire from the event?
We have full radio communications alongside our marshals / guides that will be with the group, along with mobile first aid cover. In the event of a problem, please alert your marshal / guide and arrangements will be organised for your care or transport back to the registration point.
If I am a parent / guardian accompanying a 14-17 year old and have to retire from the event, what will happen to them?
It is strict policy for this event that 14-17 year olds must be accompanied at all times by the parent / guardian responsible for them, therefore the young person/s too would have to retire from the event unless another adult known to them was present in the group, was an experienced walker and willing to assume full responsibility for them from that point onward.
What will happen if the weather has been very severe leading up to the event – will the event still take place?
We monitor the weather along the route in advance of a trek. Any decision to cancel the event would be based on our expert advice. Should we cancel the event, all participants would be contacted by telephone immediately.
What will happen if the weather becomes severe on the day?
As above, we regularly patrol the route and assess the weather and terrain at all times. Any decision to cancel or curtail the event will only be taken if they consider the health and safety of the participants to be at risk should the event continue
Are there toilets on the route?
No. There are no toilet facilities on route.
Can I bring my dog/s with me on the walk?
We ask participants not to bring their dogs on their Mountain Challenge. This is due to the presence of local livestock on all routes.
What happens upon completion of the event – do I need to sign back in?
Every participant must check back in at the registration point whether you have completed the walk or retired early from the event. If you do not sign back in with us, it may result in mountain rescue being called out unnecessarily.
Will I need to know how to use the compass and map?
No, the whole route is marshalled.
How steep are the hills?
Most of the treks we offer are steady climbs on a mixture of rough and well kept pathways. There will be no scrambling or extensively steep terrain.
Whole Hog Races
Walking for charity